Tuesday, December 06, 2005

L is for "Lil" Miracles

We met a family earlier this year who are now at St. Judes Children's Hospital in Memphis while their 6 year son undergoes his third bone marrow transplant for acute myelogenous leukemia. In the hallway outside of the cafeteria is the "alphabet of cancer" written by children affected by cancer. The family has been posting images of each letter. Today is the letter L for "Lil" Miracles, and it is very true for our family. We are very fortunate and thankful that Adrienne is in remission. We live each day fearful that her cancer will return once again but we appreciate each day that she is healthy and able to live out her dreams. Enjoy!

"Lil" Miracles by CH

Small things that happen everyday when you live with cancer. Something to look forward to. The smallest or BIGGEST thing that happened this week.

"Lil" miracles are things like...a friend finishing chemo. Finding out your scan was clear! Getting out of ICU.

Or they can be the tiniest thing like...a friend from school calling to say "Hey, I miss you!" A nurse remembering you love chocolate and bringing you 2 candy bars.

Or they can be so BIG you want to tell the whole world. Miracles like a tumor disappearing without chemotherapy or radiation. Those are the best kind of miracles. The ones the world knows about. So watch for "lil" miracles and big ones too!

Update: The GI doc looked at Adrienne's scans and said we don't need to do anything right now. As long as her liver function tests are normal, which they are, they'll just keep an eye on things.


Anonymous said...

Hi Adrienne & Alison, I just read your blog. Great story! Count down for Chelsea & I leaving for honolulu. The weather is going to be around 81. Take Care. Love, Debora

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mary had her last spinal in November & she is now going to be seen every 2 mths. Deb

Anonymous said...

We continue to keep you both in our prayers.... Deb's Mom... God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hi Adrienne & Alison, read your blog - great news about your hip surgery Adrienne. I pray you continue to recover well. Have a wonderful holiday season. See you on the trails???
Take care,
Deb Chauvel