Thursday, July 27, 2006

Doing Well, Waiting for Scans

Adrienne seems to be doing very well. On Tuesday, she flew off to St. Louis to see her best friend from college. She's having a really good time so far. She returns on August 5 and then we're off to Stanford on August 10 for a PET/CT and checkup. As you can imagine, these scans always make us nervous and the whole experience is a roller coaster. She had clear scans last November and new pain in March with a recurrence. We feel like we get a little reprieve but never a break, and there's always something to worry about. We are lucky that her cancer has grown slower since her allo transplant because that has given us time to find treatments that work. Sometimes it's hard to imagine that Adrienne has had cancer for more than half her young life. This December will be 10 years since her original diagnosis and she had symptoms for over a year before that.

The move is going well but there's never enough time to do what needs to be done each day. It seems that everytime we fix one problem, another one arises. The movers left marks on the new carpet, the painters messed up the draperies, and we still don't have TV. It will probably be a few weeks before we are truly moved in. :o) Otherwise, we love the house and hope to make it feel like a home very soon.

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