Monday, May 09, 2005

Seventh Chemo

Adrienne had her 7th chemo today, which was pretty much uneventful. Her chest xray was clear of lymph nodes, thank goodness, and her blood counts remain strong. Adrienne skipped chemo last week so she could take her AP exams while feeling well, but we are going to try to stay on schedule for the remaining treatments.

Adrienne's oncologist, Dr. Link, came to talk with us toward the end of the infusion. Adrienne made him promise that she would only have five more treatments, which he gladly did given her good response to this chemo. We also discussed the timing of donor lymphocyte infusions at the end of July. This would mean that Adrienne has a risk of developing graft-vs-host disease during the first month at college, but we are willing to take the risk. We are hopeful that she won't have this complication since she has 100% donor chimerism with her brother's stem cells.

Since our meeting with Dr. Negrin last week, Adrienne has been very upset. Dr. Negrin frequently pointed out that her treatment options are limited. We've spent the last week trying to come to terms with the lack of options, but we're happy that she is responding well to treatment now and are looking forward to sending her to college in August.

Daniel has been sick with a bad cold for a few days but is eating well tonight. He stayed home from school today and we'll just have to wait and see how he feels tomorrow.

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