Friday, April 20, 2007

Busy Week

There isn't much to report medically. Adrienne is still recovering from her respiratory infection. She has a bit of a cough (productive) and congestion but that can linger for a long time. I'm going to Claremont next Friday for her doctor visits. She has appointments with her BMT doctor, oncologist, and cardiologist, plus a few more tests. It often seems like the tests are never-ending, but often, they're reassuring. We're looking for good results on her echo (ultrasound of the heart) since she's been taking these new medications for awhile now.

At school, this has been a very busy week. Adrienne completed all of her projects and papers for the semester, which meant a lot of late nights. She's hoping to catch up on her sleep this weekend. The only thing left is final exams the second week in May. Then she'll spend a week here in Nevada and it's off to New York. We're planning to see Spamalot here in LV, which is getting rave reviews.

Our backyard and pool are finally complete. This is the biggest home project I've ever been involved with and I'm glad it's done. We still have a few bugs to work out, but all in all, it turned out beautifully. When the weather clears up, we'll take some pictures to post.

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