Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A New Wrench

Adrienne had a late appointment on Monday so her labs weren't done when she saw the doctor. I spaced it yesterday so I called today, fully expecting that everything was back to normal. Well, it isn't. The liver enzymes are higher and the platelets are lower. I spoke to the doctor late this afternoon and he's stumped. The plan now is for Adrienne to stop all of the antibiotics she's taking and have labs drawn again on Monday. In the meantime, her doctor wants to call Seattle to see if this could possibly be related to her allo transplant nearly 4.5 years ago. I spoke to the long term follow-up group last week and they think it's highly unlikely that this is related to the transplant, but he wants to talk with them himself.

Adrienne is feeling pretty fatigued but otherwise is well. She noticed that she has several new bruises. Her platelets are at 80K now, which isn't low enough to cause life threatening bleeding but much lower than her "usual" 400-500K. We'll just have to be patient and hope that things right themselves on their own.

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