Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Home Tonight

We're still in New York but will be flying home tonight. Adrienne gets a Neulasta shot today and hopefully the Aleve/Claritan combo will eliminate the pain she had last time. Chemo went fine the last two days with the addition of Emend and a little Ativan. She actually feels pretty good this morning so we're going to have a nice lunch before going to the clinic and then the airport. Overall, we've seen much improvement: her arm isn't hurting any more, all her other pain is gone, her shortness of breath is gone, and her blood counts are normal. We are cautiously optimistic that the chemo is doing it's job and she can go back to school.

We talked about the next few months with Dr. O. He'd like her to have 4-6 cycles of the Bendamustine and then go directly on a trial, either Belinostat or SGN-35, if it's open. Given the recent aggressiveness of her disease, he wants her to go from one treatment to the next to the next. This is going to be tough, but if we can keep the side effects under control, it should be manageable. We've decided that Adrienne will fly home from school for the next few cycles of Bendamustine, which she'll get at Nevada Cancer Institute. That way, I can take care of her more easily in our home than from a hotel in Southern California.

Adrienne will have scans in a few weeks just to confirm that the Bendamustine is doing it's job. Dr. O thinks there's a good chance that she'll get a remission from this, we haven't thought of that possibility for a long, long time.


Veronica said...

Wow - yet another high on Adrienne's roller-coaster journey!! Great to hear such positives coming from this latest NY trip :0)
I'm glad Adrienne is going to be able to return to school as planned as we all know how important her graduation is to her. Thanks for the update - have been thinking of you both..........Vx

Heather said...

great news all the way around! and a remission would be so wonderful! hoping that any side effects will be able to be managed effectively.

Unknown said...

This all sounds very promising, and I hope your travels are easy. Best to you both.

Karen, Clare's mom

Tonya said...

This is the news you needed to hear! I am so gosh darn happy for you guys! Adrienne, you're a fighter girl...keep on! And remember no matter what life throws at us, it's always worth the fight!

Biggest Hugs to you both {{{Hugs}}}

*I would send a special one from Zack, but I am afraid to say it'd be more of a kick and scream. Defiant little rascle.*

laulausmamma said...

It's wonderful to read the words "remission" and "Adrienne" in the same sentence :} God bless Dr. O'Connor for giving you so much encouragement and hope for the future...what a wonderful doctor to have in your corner!!
Hope the trip home was comfortable for Adrienne.

B. said...

Hope you guys are safe and sound, and tucked into your beds.

Thinking of you, Adrienne.

Sending my Love,


Anonymous said...

Hurray! I'm glad to hear all is going much better. It sounds like Adrienne's amazing doctor is on the ball and has a good treatment plan lined up. Adrienne, I hope you have a great semester at school! XXOO Janet

katmm said...

Great news! So so happy.