Thursday, December 07, 2006

Here we go again...

Adrienne had her CT yesterday and, unfortunately, the news is not what we had hoped for. She has a 1.4 cm x 1.9 cm node in her right lung, as well as a questionable area in her spleen. Yes, this is the same place that showed on the August PET scan that appeared to be resolved on the CT scan in September. The next step is another PET scan. City of Hope doesn't have an opening until December 18, after Adrienne is supposed to finish the semester, but they found an outside imaging service to do it on Tuesday, December 12. We'll probably have to wait a couple of days for the complete results but that's okay since she won't start treatment until the new year.

There are some treatment options that her doctor at COH has suggested including SAHA and tomotherapy radiation. We've heard that SAHA is very difficult and the trial may not be open again yet. Tomotherapy is only an option if there is one spot and we are concerned about radiation to the lung since Adrienne has some fibrosis resulting from the pneumonitis she got during her first transplant.

So, we are looking into some other clinical trials. Memorial Sloan Kettering has a doctor conducting a number of trials for recurrent Hodgkin's Disease so we are going to New York for another opinion in January. MSK wasn't high on our list because they don't participate in Children's Oncology Group and they conduct clinical studies on their own, but we need to find out what is best for Adrienne and we hear wonderful things about this doctor. Our goal is to find a treatment that will allow her to stay in school while keeping her disease under control.

Adrienne has exams next week so she is trying to stay focused on that. It seems like she never gets a break during her vacations, but she's looking forward to a few days in New York in the snow. Yes, I promised her a nice dinner and a show when we're there.

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