Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New York, New Plan

I tried to think of a great headline for this post but I'm not that creative. Leave it to say that we left Memorial Sloan Kettering feeling very excited and hopeful. No, we left Dr. O'Connor excited and hopeful. Not only does he have options, he has ideas for a cure for Adrienne, maybe not today, but not that far in the future. He thinks that the oldest protocol out there for Hodgkin's Disease, called MOPP, could offer her a cure. (This protocol isn't used today because of the long term effects but Adrienne has most of them so that isn't really a concern for us.) In the meantime, there are a number of FDA approved drugs and drugs in clinical trial that can keep her disease under control and maybe offer a cure.

We learned some new and interesting things. First, there are quite a few people out there living with Hodgkin's Disease for many years like Adrienne. Dr.O'Connor has 10 patients himself. The disease often becomes more indolent (slower growing) after many different treatments, as Adrienne's has. Finally, there are a number of new drugs that are on the very near horizon.

Currently, the plan is to do a repeat PET scan to see how quickly her disease is growing. Next, start a drug called valporic acid (FDA approved and readily available) at City of Hope. After that, there are two other drugs in clinical trial that Adrienne could start in May, after she finishes the spring semester at college. We can look at MOPP in the future, ideally after Adrienne graduates from college.

So, we have a plan and we feel very hopeful about the future. Adrienne is enjoying her vacation and is looking forward to getting back to Claremont to start her next phase of treatment. Her future is very bright.


Anonymous said...

Just wonderful news.
A very happy new year to all the family ... and many more to come
Love Penny, Andrew and Family

Anonymous said...

I am SO SO SO glad to read this post with such a wonderful postive outcome to your New York visit. Happy New Year, indeed.

Best to you both . . . hope Adrienne has a break before going back to school.

Karen, Clare's mom