Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Schedule Change

Adrienne called last night and her wheezing is worse so we're pushing up the schedule. She flies back to NV on Dec. 19, we'll fly to CA on Dec. 20 for scans, and she'll see the doctor and start chemo on Dec. 21.


Anonymous said...

Dear Alison and Adrienne,

Thinking of you and hope you will feel much better very soon.

Healing thoughts are with you.
In denmark

laulausmamma said...

Glad you have a new plan in motion to start treatment to relieve Adrienne's symptoms and fight the cause. Wish we were closer to CMc and COH to give you hands-on-support. Please let me know if you will be in CA for the holiday.
As always...much love and HUGE supportive ((HUGS)) to you both. I will PM you my phone #.