Friday, October 12, 2007

First Cycle Done

Adrienne finished her last dose of the drug yesterday. When she first started, it made her gag but she now takes it with orange juice and that helps. She had a fairly long hospital day yesterday for some end of cycle tests but, thankfully, she didn't have to do the eight hours of blood draws. The wheezing has returned but the doctor said that can happen when a tumor breaks up; we're hoping that's the case. The itching was very bad earlier in the week but better the last couple of days. The waxing and waning of the itching is typical for her. Except for a quick blood draw on Saturday, Adrienne gets a week off from the hospital. Woohoo!!!!


laulausmamma said...

Glad to read your latest treatment is over and done with Adrienne. Wishing for you that this will be the one that does the trick for you! Enjoy your week off from any hospital visits.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Adrienne gets some time off, and that she's finished with the cycle. Take care.

The Reeds said...

Great news! Adrienne, you deserve a break. Go to Starbucks and get a VENTI:)