Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Still Trying to Figure Things Out

Last night, the radiologists went through Adrienne's CT with a fine tooth comb. Her tumors appear to be unchanged (this is good) and the only other abnormality is "consolidation" (a pneumonia) at the bottom of her right lung, right where the tumor is. They are assuming that this caused the abdominal pain, which is better today. Adrienne is still running fairly high temps, in the 101 to 102 range, but she can stay home as long as they don't go any higher than that with Tylenol. She did eat a little bit earlier today and kept it down. Last night, she threw up her two bites of dinner and her pills so it's good she's keeping things down now. Mostly, she's sleeping today and her breathing is fine.

I'm glad I'm here now and able to take care of her since she can't do much for herself. I cleaned her dorm and am cooking for her when she can eat but you can already see that she's lost weight. I don't much like sleeping on the love seat here but I wasn't about to climb into the top bunk, which is about two feet from the ceiling. There isn't a ladder so I would have had to climb onto the desk and then up into the bed. I'm not quite that brave (or young).


The Reeds said...

You will both be in our thoughts and prayers! Good news about the tumors- they may be even smaller normally, but larger now because she's sick. Thanks for keeping us updated. I'll be checking the blog often. Love, April

Kelly Kane said...

Glad to hear she is doing a little better and that there are no changes in her tumors. As for the avoiding the top bunk, good idea, we don't need you falling off and getting hurt too!!

Thinking of you both!