Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Inconclusive pathology

I guess it's just as hard with dogs as with people. Prince's pathology came back with dysplastic spindle cells, which is a type of sarcoma, but there weren't enough cells to be sure. He seems happy, back to himself right now, eating and drinking well. Tomorrow, we're off to see the specialist to figure out what to do next. From what I read, they generally cut this type of cancer out unless it's too widespread, in which case there's nothing they can do. Even if they cut it out, it usually comes back within 6-12 months so we have some decisions to make.

Adrienne's cystitis is getting better, but overall, she's feeling worse with headaches, coughing, and shortness of breath. She's hardly left the house in days except to go to school or the clinic. Her labs and creatinine look good so those aren't responsible. I just hope this is something viral. I was fighting a really bad headache last week and she had it over the weekend so that makes me think she caught something from me. I'm trying hard to coax her to eat but she eats very little and is down to 101 pounds on her 5'5" frame. Her clothes are literally hanging on her. I always try to be positive but I'm definitely feeling a bit down right now. Let's all hope that this rights itself soon and she feels better.


Heather said...

i'm sorry. sending out lots of good thoughts, prayers and love.

j said...


B. said...

I'm here.
Adrienne, I'm so sorry things are not going well.

Alison, I'm here.

You two -- call whenever,
I will call you by the end of the week if I don't hear your beautiful voices.

Hang in there.

Missing you guys,


laulausmamma said...

How frustrating! Sending lots of love and strength and good vibes that Adrienne will start feeling better and feel up to eating soon. Sorry you have to worry about Prince too...don't ever look forward to having to make any decisions about our Dorie one day.


Veronica said...

Sending all the love I've got (that's a LOT!)......hoping things get better soon.

Alison - this is bound to hit you so hard. Allow yourself time to adjust to this latest hurdle and somehow you'll find the strength to just keep going..........hugs to you both........Vx

Unknown said...

Peace and strength to you both.

Karen, Clare's mom

The Reeds said...

I hope Adrienne is feeling better! Alison, I know it's almost impossible for you to be okay when she is not okay. You are both in our thoughts and prayers! We're still hoping Dr. O'Connor will come through and we can somehow get SGN-35.

Tyler Chambers said...

Always keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
