Monday, October 06, 2008

Conservative Management for Now

We have a bit more news this morning. The gyn wants to try conservative management (catheterization) before doing surgery to see if the problem can resolve on its own. We're also trying to get Adrienne's radiation records to see how much radiation this area received. Her ped onc thought that this area was totally shielded but there's always scatter so I have a message into her rad onc. We should know more after she sees the gyn on Wednesday and has yet another test. Otherwise, this latest course of antibiotics has helped a bit so at least she's more comfortable, not happy about having a catheter, but she definitely prefers that to more surgery.


katmm said...

Glad you are a bit more comfortable Adrienne. Hang in there -- try to be good to yourselves.


Unknown said...

Oh no, what a dip in the road this has turned out to be. Hang tough--thinking and praying for you.

Karen, Clare's mom

Justin and Petrina said...

Yuck...well I am glad that Adrienne is a bit more comfortable. Hopefully alot more comfortable soon...


Justin and Petrina said...

Yuck...I am glad that Adrienne is a bit more comfortable. I hope she is ALOT more comfortable very soon. Thinking and praying for you guys.
