Friday, July 17, 2009


We had to beg to get Adrienne out as she's still neutropenic but her pain is under control with the oral meds. Yeah!!! The current thinking is that this pain is due to the Vinblastine, not the Neulasta shot. Hopefully, it'll resolve itself over time. Meanwhile, she's taking high doses of oxycontin and neurontin, which makes her very drowsy, but relatively pain free. Thank you so much to everyone for your prayers and kind thoughts. We aren't out of the woods yet but we're looking forward to a quiet (HOT) weekend at home.


Heather said...

so glad to hear that adrienne is back in the comforts of home. hoping for the best!

Veronica said...

Wishing you both a relaxing, uneventful and most definitely pain-free weekend....<3......Vx

Julie said...

I'm so glad that you're back home!!

Julie (beightler68 from WebMagic)

Chris said...

So glad to hear you're home! Stay cool and feel better...



Anonymous said...

We are really hoping you are all resting in peace and cool at the moment. Being in pain is just not OK is it Adrienne! Hugs and best wishes
Penny and Andrew and family

Anonymous said...

Time for the healing of puppy love and being at home! Hooray!



Anonymous said...

Adrienne, I'm glad that the pain is under control and that you're back at your home, sweet home. I hope you continue to improve over the weekend. Hugs, Janet

Anonymous said...

Alison and Adrienne,

Nancy, Paul and I are thinking about you. I hope that you had a very uneventful and comfortable weekend.

B. said...

There's nothing like being at home... hoping this break-through pain, subsides soon, and the tappering of meds... continues.

Sending my Love to you two!


Duane said...

I was the message on the Forum. Sending thoughts of love and kindness. :)

Kate said...

hello- not sure if you remember me, but i used to post on the webmagic site as katerinski...had hodgkin's at age 20. Anyways, I still check in on Adrienne and just wanted to say I hope she's feeling better and that you are all able to get some better rest OUT of the hospital now that you're home. I know how impossible it is to sleep with all the lights and beeps and interuptions. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Alison & Adriene,
You are both in my thoughts.
Debora Blake

laulausmamma said...

Hope you are feeling less pain each day. Sending more ((HUGS))from New York (for the rest of the week).


joe said...

glad to see Adrienne is back home,praying that the pain goes away and you find the right course of treatment

Kelly Kane said...

Hey Adrienne and Alison!

I hope Adrienne starts feeling better real soon and ya'll get this mess under control. Damn hodge.



Anonymous said...

Hi Adrienne,
Wishing you all the best and pain free soon! Had a great walk with Marsha at Sawyer Camp Trail and we we were thinking good thoughts for you! Love, Nancy (former TNTer)

Anonymous said...

Carol and I send our love and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am a little behind these days, sorry! I am very happy to hear that Adrienne is home and recovering from that awful pain. I am wondering how she is doing now, since you updated on Friday? I hope better every day. Love & hugs to you both, Maureen

Kim Carlson said...

Hi Alison and Adrienne! Sorry to hear of your new battle :-(. Sending my best healing vibes and I hope that Adrienne feels better enough to enjoy the weekend pain-free :-).

Big hug,