Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't know much

Adrienne had the bronch earlier and just got back from the CT. I saw the onc and she'll meet with the radiologist first thing in the morning so we'll know more then. The bronch didn't show much, no nodules (cancer) and the airways are large and clear. There is redness, which indicates inflammation, but that's it. They took some washings. So, we don't really know anything except that they had to go up again on the vent this morning.


laulausmamma said...

How are you holding up my friend? How much indication of good news on the bronch pertain to what could be going on in the lungs? Was going up on the vent because of the trauma from the bronch and being moved around for the tests today?
Thanks for the quick up date....maybe the drs will get together today so you don't need to wait until the morning for more results. I know you'd rather have a "final" report and not a prelim....from experience things change from one to the other.


Veronica said...

Sending my daily dose of love and strength.......<3

Anonymous said...

Dear Adrienne,

Hang in there. Your journey has been long and it has been very bumpy lately. But it's not over. Not by a long shot. You are going to get through this tough patch and make it home. Keep on fighting with all you've got and keep on making lemonade out of these lemons.

A Mom

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers for great results and calm to see you through this difficult time.


conlan said...

praying for you both. love dr o's explaination. we are praying that adrienne gets to the place fot the sgn - 35.
much love and many hugs,
john and connie

Anonymous said...

What are her vent settings? Just curious.
Are they thinking her bone marrow is failing? Is that what they think is happening with the counts? Anyone mention the possibility of TTP? That might explain her non existent PLT only if her LDH is sky high, which would indicate cell lysis. If it isn't TTP, please ask Dr.O about the possibility of developing TTP if she is starteed on GVD/GND. The Gemzar carries a risk of it and if her bone marrow is already screwed up... they might wanna think about something else. Gemzar is a GREAT drug, but I am not sure what the increased risks are if her PLT count is already in the crapper.

How are you doing with sleep? It is so hard to get any rest at all when in the ICU. I hope you find a good coctail of drugs to help you rest.
