Friday, September 11, 2009


Adrienne's chest xray is 50% improved over the last 3 days. They just turned down the vent to 50% and she seems to be tolerating it well. She's still very sedated but cried yesterday and today when awakened. It's so hard to watch but they promise that she won't remember this.

We still have some big hurdles to get over. She's still neutropenic and can't get her chemo until her counts come up. Chemo is due on Sunday so we hope the neupogen kicks in by then. The other big issue is her liver. She's quite jaundiced now and had an ultrasound a little while ago, which we hope gives us some answers.

The physical therapist was in earlier so now we're doing range of motion exercises with her. She doesn't seem to mind.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! That's amazing!

Glad you are hanging in there, eating, and even getting some sleep.

Cláudia said...

Finally good news! I was waiting for this. Hope Adrienne recovers soon.

Claudia (cm78)

Anonymous said...

Excellent news!!! Praying the whites go up and the bili goes down very soon so that chemo can proceed. Have a restful evening. Janet

Bonnie said...

50% Wow! Let's keep that good news coming! :)

`ryan patrick sutton said...

adrienne & alison! that sounds like pretty good news for the a-team. 50% is a good number! hoping your counts are back up for chemo on sunday, miss boardman. and alison, good to hear you're eating and sleeping a bit. and glad to hear the hospital food is decent enough. having dinner in brooklyn with the parents tonite for some southern cooking. am hoping both of you can get a proper gourmet meal as the convalescing continues :) i know how much you two love food! best wishes for rest and healing, `ryan patrick sutton

Veronica said...

I'm so glad I checked in before heading to bed..........what fantastic news! Onwards and upwards - Go, Adrienne!!
Hoping this good news continues and everything else starts to resolve, so, so much love your way..........<3

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you to finally have gotten some good news!! I hope this is a turning point for Adrienne and that more good news is on the way!
Carol (mom20)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, YES! I'm sooooo glad to hear that the x-ray is very improved. It breaks my heart to think of Adrienne crying, but knowing what all's going on is helping her heal...that's what has to be the focus!

Now, go white cells, go!

Sending love,


Ann Breidenstein said...

Fantastic news! Hope and pray things continue to improve for the chemo treatment on Sunday.

cathyn said...

Thank God for so much improvement!!!!!

It's heartbreaking though to read that Adrienne cried, just heartbreaking. I hate cancer.

Thinking of you both and praying for you.
