Friday, September 25, 2009

Not bad news

I talked with the pulmonologist again after he reviewed the CT. He thinks there are fewer nodules but wants the official report from the radiologist. There's some new ground glass opacity, which usually indicates pneumonia, plus air around the heart, which is caused by the pressure on the ventilator. These factors could account for the fact that her breathing hasn't improved. Also, she's got a fever and low BP this afternoon. Hopefully the fever is just from the bronch and will go away on its own by morning.


Anonymous said...

Alison and Adrienne you have been in my thoughts and prayers all day. So glad he thinks fewer nodules!!!!! Praying the fever is gone by morning and things show improvement. Sending all positive thoughts to you and Adrienne. Alison you are an amazingly good Mom and Adrienne is so lucky to have you there for her!!!!!!Anxiously awaiting more good news!!! Stay Strong!!
Donna Boston MA

Sandy Corso said...

Been thinking about you all day long. This "not bad news" is good news to my ears, Alison! Tomorrow's a new day and I'm hopeful that it will bring with it "not bad news" but... "good news"!
I hope that Adrienne's fever breaks SOON and that you're both able to get some sleep tonight.
Love you, both...

laulausmamma said...

Hope you haven't bitten all your finger nails down ; ) I'm sure today has felt like an eternity. Hoping that from what you've heard so far about the tests done today that you are a little less anxious about the final reports tomorrow. Still keeping up the prayers and good thoughts.

Susan and Rich

Heather said...

all in all the last few updates seem to be heading into a better direction. i hope this will continue. i'm so glad that dr. o is involved. the more i hear about him the more i believe he must be an angel on earth.

Veronica said...

Thank goodness the fever waited until Adrienne's counts were up - phew!
Hoping that despite the fever, she had a comfortable night and that you manage to get some much needed and hugs as always............<3

Anonymous said...

Continuing to check in and praying for the best, Alison. I hope Saturday brings good news and blessings.



Anonymous said...

Sending prayers that you get lots more "NOT BAD NEWS" which I consider GOOD NEWS.

Hope you had a good nights sleep for change.


saralup said...

takin th 'not bad news', and run wt it. god, i cant evn imajn, bt js wana stop lrrkng and let yuo no agen, prayr. meditatv prayr. for yuo and yuor girl. for the love of Adrienne

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this good news. Hoping the next update is some GREAT news.

A Mom